The Ride Ahead Education Kit: FAQs

Purchasing the Kit

  • Yes, contact us to pay for a Kit by check or purchase order.

  • Yes! Discounts are available for the purchase of three or more Kits. Contact us and provide information about your school/organization and distribution needs in order to arrange for bulk pricing.  

  • The Kit comes with a license that allows schools, colleges, universities, and nonprofits to use any of the films and videos included in the Kit for non-public, educational purposes – including in-person or virtual courses, training, and professional development. The Kit license DOES NOT grant permission to host a conference screening or public screening of the film, in person or virtually. A Public Performance License (PPL) is necessary for these types of screenings of the film.

Public Performance License

  • The Federal Copyright Act (Title 17 of the US Code) governs how copyrighted materials, such as movies, may be used. The purchase of a copyrighted work does not carry the right to publicly “exhibit” or show the work. This legal requirement applies regardless of whether an admission fee is charged, whether the institution or organization is commercial or nonprofit, or whether a federal or state agency is involved. 

  • Just one! If you plan to have multiple screenings, be sure to purchase that number of PPLs.  

Digital Site License

  • DSLs allows a college/university to host the films in the Kit in a private/password protected server or cloud. The digital site license provides access to the film for the life of the file format. You must have a password protected server or cloud at your college/university, or use a third-party platform, to stream the film. This license allows for all university affiliates (affiliates defined as current students, staff, and faculty) to view the film individually or in a group-setting for classroom and library use.  

  • No, campus wide events require an additional Public Performance License (PPL) and fee. Any public viewing on campus, such as student organizations hosting a viewing for university affiliates, or playing the film on a campus theater for university affiliates, necessitates the purchase of this PPL license.

Sharing and Screening the Film

  • Age-appropriateness is subjective, but LikeRightNow Films believes that the “PG-equivalent” version is appropriate for grades 6 and up, and the “theatrical” version is appropriate for most high school students and older. 

  • Yes, you can create an online screening of the film by purchasing a screening license through Kinema (note that the Kinema online screening license does not include the multiple variations of the film, or the bonus video content that is in the Kit).  However you are not permitted to create an online event using the film downloaded from the Kit without advance permission from LikeRightNow Films. Contact us for more details.  

  • Yes, once you purchase the Kit and PPL, you may provide the screening for free; charge for tickets; or take donations. The film screening may be used as a fundraising event.

  • No, at this time you cannot charge admission to attend a virtual screening. 

  • The Kit can be used at up to three different college campuses (or K-12 school buildings) within a single college or school district. The Kit materials must be shared via a non-public/password protected drive or server.  If you’d like to use the Kit more broadly, you will need to purchase additional Kits.  Note that the video(s) must be shared from one central protected drive or server: duplication of any of our video materials, or uploads to any public platform (ie YouTube, Vimeo) is strictly prohibited and would constitute a copyright violation. National and international online universities should contact us for pricing.

  • See our accessibility guidelines for our recommendations. 

  • Yes, provided you will not have an audience larger than 500 people. Contact us for pricing if you anticipate an audience larger than 500 people. 

  • Yes, if you make arrangements to rent out a local theater, we can deliver the Digital Cinema Package (DCP) that the theater will very likely need.  However, there will be an additional cost for delivery of that DCP. Contact us to learn more.

  • Yes, members of the film team do speaking engagements, for additional fees. To learn more about availability and costs, please contact us

Misc. Questions

  • No, at this time we are distributing the film and Kit as a digital file only.

  • Not yet! We are currently self-distributing the film through the Kit, Kinema, and at film festivals and events.  But be sure to sign up for our email list to be notified when the film is more widely available. 

  • We are trying hard to make it feasible and affordable for people to share THE RIDE AHEAD in their community.  We will have a limited number of Kits and PPLs to distribute for free thanks to our lead funder, Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation. Please fill out this form to apply for a free Kit and PPL. 

  • Yes, you may contact us for a full length preview if needed. Please note that online previews are to be shared with up to five decision-making people, and may not be used for any educational or professional use or shared publicly in any manner.

  • No, at this time we are not distributing the film to public libraries.  Please contact us to be notified when that opportunity will be available. 

More questions? Contact us.